There were a thousand thoughts in my head, but it was really hard for me to disqualify them. A lot of feelings and intense feelings overwhelmed me. I was thrilled to feel the smooth and wet skin attached to my body, the strong embrace of her arms and the warm and provocative breath of his mouth stuck to my shoulder. It was too much! Without wanting, instinctively, I realized I had started to excite myself, louder, so Cosmin had done. His big or hard sea had risen between our glued pelvis, and mine, even more vain, was trying to make room for herself. I had already overtaken every limit! My dignity of man, as long as she remained, tried to react

I took a moment away from him, put his head in my hands to look at me while I was talking to him, wanting to convince him, to become dignified and morally, to give up his passionate passion for me . Cosmin looked at me, with his big, blue eyes, of intense blue, and a huge disassociation could be read in them! The words froze on my lips, I lost in that blue and sad look. Independent of my will, I drew my lips to his carnose and red lips, unreal to the red, kissing them tenderly.
The moment our lips touched, it seemed like a lightning struck through our bodies. Something mysterious triggered in us and unleashed an energy, a fantastic frenzy. We started kissing with passion and voluptuousness, with increasing intensity. We kissed and hugged us like two desperate, two possessed! We were shaking our lips with power and biting them almost to the blood! Our avid and possessive minds passionately nourished the hefty body of the other: his head, neck, shoulders, back, butts, buttocks, thighs, in a wild embrace and without any oprelist. We were just one in our arms and we kissed ourselves silently, like two flames, hungry for one another.
I think a few good minutes have passed, but we did not feel the humidity and the coolness that was installed in the b
athroom. The first to return and catch his voice was Cosmin:
- No, it can not be true! I think I'm dreaming! Ionut, is that really the case with us? Ionut, please, creep me in my arms! I think I'm gonna have fun and happiness!
What am I wrong with and what have I sinned for having managed to engage so much love and passion for me in this beautiful and peculiar boy who always has at his feet the most beautiful girls in the world ?! I did not recognize each other again! I hugged him and kissed him with passion, so **** I had not done it with any of my lovers! And he climbed, I loved it and excited me like a bull, being on the threshold ****! What's going on with me? We probably dreamed and actually was in Simona's arms!
Cosmin woke me up to reality when I felt his warm and velvety tongue, walking slowly and sensuously along my tough **** hardened, like a spear. My excitement has faded. Cosmin licked my dick, minutes in a row, sensual and passionate, so nobody had ever done it before. I still had oral experiences with girls, but they ended quickly. The girls did not have any satisfaction, they made it obligatory to make me happy! While Cosmin ...
- Do you like licking it? Ionut, you have a great, beautiful and strong dick and has a divine taste! I'm not getting enough of it!
- Yeah, it's great! But I want you to take it in my mouth and suck it!
I could not believe that I uttered those words! Like someone else in me spoke for me. Cosmin began an extraordinary fella. His warm and wet mouth caught my eye, squeezing it lightly between his fleshy lips, making me glad of pleasure. Then began a round-back, slow and lingering race, every part of my **** was crossed by the currents, at the touch of its soft tongue. And this repeated and amplified many times. I was experiencing some incredible sensations, a fiery and fantastic excitement, totally different from that offered by my girlfriend, Simona. The fee I sometimes made my girlfriend, more than in play, than in conviction or pleasure, was a mechanical act, artificial, without producing my life and living! I was on the verge of excitement and I still wanted!
I started to brush her blonde and curly hair, playing with his loose and short curls, as if on the curls. In response, Cosmin took my balls in one hand and began to play with them, gently massaging them, then took them in their mouths and sucked them fine and delicate, like delicious candies . Other and other states overwhelmed me. I could not control myself. It was not me! There was an animal in my heart who was eager for pleasure. When Cosmin took my dick again, I grabbed my head and started pumping it, giving my strength from the bottom. I felt, with enormous satisfaction, when my hardened throat struck the boy's neck, and it moaned slightly, but it continued to lie on my buttocks and thighs. It was
fantastic! I fucked Cosmin in my mouth and it was great! I did not do that with any girl, though I may have wanted it. I fuck a boy and I was not sick at all! On the contrary, I was in the ninth heaven!
What happened to me? What fantastic transformation has taken place? But I did not have time to find out the answer because Cosmin brought me to the **** corner and I did not want to finish it yet. I took his hand and pulled it to me in the locker room. There I lay on a bench with my big and powerful **** avatars up and I invited Cosmin to continue his job:
- Come on, dear Cosmine, take it again! You are so sweet and wonderful when you suck it! Do you really like my dick so much?
- Yeah, you got a great dick, hard and thick! I'm not getting enough of it!
- All right, then get out of here!
I gently kissed and began to push the dick, from bottom to top, in Cosmin's promising throat. He was riding over me, his butt pointing toward my face. Pula his teapana and pink, long and beautiful, but smaller than mine, provoking hanging close to my mouth. An inexplicable urge made me pull Cosmin closer to me and take it in my mouth. I started to suck it, easy and slow, so Cosmin had done before. His body was engulfed by nervous vibration, and he began to thicken, with my sausage in his mouth. Cosmin's dick had a strange, slightly spicy taste, with urine but without being a repellent. Nothing more special than my beloved taste. After a few moments, I got used to and even started to like it. It was incredible! I sucked a guy's dick and I really liked it! What transformation had happened to me ?! Did I become **** ****?
We were in **** and sucked each other. It was wonderful! I had some feelings and some fantastic and overwhelming lives! It was awesome well, I was floating in heaven. I felt like I was at the peak and the tension in my body erupted. - Cosmine, wait a minute! Lift up, because I come ****! Then we go on! - Not! Do not go out, Ionut! Go in my mouth! I want you to feel in your mouth, I want you to be ejaculate in me! Ionut, te rooog !!! Were we surprised! As a rule, the girls I used to have never accepted in any way to take me **** in my mouth! He seemed scarce and non-genetic! Even to Simona. While Cosmin ... I stood up in front of him, and he sat down on the bench, pulled me closer and opened his mouth slightly, grabbing my glans between his hot and soft lips. With one hand I was on my buttocks, and with another I was eating them. In a few seconds, I felt like I had a fire and my dick pulled in his mouth, the powerful jets of seed! I was in the cosmos! We burned like fire and there was no air. My heart was like a fool! It was great! Cosmin swallowed all my sap, till the last drop, licking her lips. Then she started licking my dick and brushing her up like a professional asshole. At the end he looked up gratefully at my red face like the fire and whispered to me: "It was great! Samnta has a great taste! It's so good! I want more, Ionut! You are a boy of millions! - Little and sloppy! You said you never took it! That no one touched you? Why are you lying? Fuck you, fuck you! - But Ionut, I ... - Ready, let's go! That again you will lie to me! - Really! Believe me you're the first and only one! Zau, Ionut! Do not get mad at me! That's how it actually is! - Good! Then where did you get that good, if you've never done it before? - From revolutions ****, from movies ... - I can not believe it, but be like you! Without saying anything else, was **** embarrassed, he took my dick again, squeezing the semierecta between my hairy legs. - Do you really like my dick? - Yes I like very much! And you like me so much! From the first moment I saw you! You are a super boy! You are driving me crazy! Since I've seen you, I dreamed you every night. Everything I did here today, you taught me, night in your sleep! You know we loved each night, and you're a great lover! Frustrated by his sincere and passionate confession, I picked him up from the bench and embraced him, kissing him with infuriation. Our mouths and bodies were tied up again, kissing and burning. I was in another world and it was so good! It was not me anymore, I wanted the beautiful boy who kissed me and hugged me warmly! I wanted to have it! I wanted to come in and be mine! God, what thoughts, what desires dirty and sinful, but so strong! I was trying to regain my lucidity, to become a man! Hard, very hard with Cosmin in my arms ... - Ionut, please! Take me, I'm only yours! Come in and fuck me! You fuck! For two weeks I have the desire to come in and be yours! Ionut, fuck me! Fuck me ... Felt me ... How lucid and reasoned, when Cosmin was asking me so sensuous and totally stuck with me? I had lost my head altogether! The desire and impulse were stronger. I broke away from my hug and took the massage oil from my cupboard. Then as an expert, as if I were all my life in the ass, I put Cosmin on the back of my ass with the back of my back, back on the bench. I removed my legs, poured some drops of massage oil into my palm and started rubbing her butt and then the rosette. I slipped it with a finger, then two and finally three fingers. Feeling **** sfincterel gives it easy and relaxes, enlarging enough for the thickness of my pulp. All the while Cosmin groaned and murmured something like that. How did I know how to do it all, so well, almost professionally, when I had never done it before? I had no idea and I did not even care about it then! We are eager to jump on Cosmin! I took a condom from the well-hidden reserve in my closet and I spread it well on the dick, lusting it with some oil - I finished with the preparations! We can start? - Yes please! - Okay, hold on and let me fuck you! I do not have anybody else in the ass, but I think there is not much difference to a **** woman! How I've been mistaken! It was a big difference! The lived sensation then was unique and incomparable with any previous experience! I grabbed Cosmin for it and put my glue between his rosy but slushy buttocks. I started to push slightly and when my gland passed his rosette I felt **** Cosmin had a bit of a shot and scanned it easily, but only so. Encouraged by his reaction, we slowly advanced to the middle of the pulp.
- Well, **** is it? It hurts?
- Not at all! Why did you stop!
- I wanted to know **** you feel! I never have anybody in the ass! I tried with Simona when she was on the red, but she did not leave me! He said it was very painful! That's why I asked you!
- How well you have prepared my ass, it's no longer the case! Like a real expert! And you said it was the first time! Ordinary and parsive curve!
- Oh, that's the first time!
- OK! A **** give h
er whips and ride me well! I heard from high school boys that you are the best and all the girls are dead after your dick! Let's see if it is!
Usually I did not really talk to Simona, and in general with the girls when we were ****! We were doing it quietly, just love whispers! I had a habit of changing impressions when we fuck. But with Cosmin it was different. I was curious to know what she felt when she was ****.
Stressed by his words, I pushed it all the way until I felt like they were sticking to me with his shiny buttocks. Then I started pumping it, slower at first, then faster. Cosmin could no longer delight and grimace and provocation! It was at the height of ****! I was the same. Indeed, anal **** was incomparably more exciting and more enjoyable than normal. I felt and Cosmin's sophies **** left my dick as I pumped it and had some very strong sensations. I could not control myself, and I hurt the pump, without worrying about Cosmin.
- So! So! It's great! More forcefully! How good is it!
- Do you like **** fuck you, Cosmin? I know?
- Yes Yes! Very much! Please continue! So! So! But you like it!
- Very much! You have a great ass! I feel like in paradise! I did not think it was so good!
I kept pumping and floating happily until Cosmin prayed to me:
- Ionut, let's change our position! I want to see your face, I want to see **** You live these wonderful moments! I want to look in your eyes while you make me so happy!
Cosmin lay back, walked in the locker room, I knelt next to him, put his left foot on his shoulder, leaned over him, and stabbed him in one move. Then I continued to pump him with much force, knowing that he loved Cosmin. He looked at me happily and stroked me on his head and back. I was red like the fire and sweating like a racing horse! On the face and on the hair, my hot sweat drops over Cosmin. From time to time, I bent more over him and kissed him with thirst and greed, biting his sweet and fleshy lips, then resumed pumping.
- Oh, that's good! No more happiness! So! So! With all your strength! Ionut, you are extraordinary! I love you! I love you I love you ...

I took a moment away from him, put his head in my hands to look at me while I was talking to him, wanting to convince him, to become dignified and morally, to give up his passionate passion for me . Cosmin looked at me, with his big, blue eyes, of intense blue, and a huge disassociation could be read in them! The words froze on my lips, I lost in that blue and sad look. Independent of my will, I drew my lips to his carnose and red lips, unreal to the red, kissing them tenderly.
The moment our lips touched, it seemed like a lightning struck through our bodies. Something mysterious triggered in us and unleashed an energy, a fantastic frenzy. We started kissing with passion and voluptuousness, with increasing intensity. We kissed and hugged us like two desperate, two possessed! We were shaking our lips with power and biting them almost to the blood! Our avid and possessive minds passionately nourished the hefty body of the other: his head, neck, shoulders, back, butts, buttocks, thighs, in a wild embrace and without any oprelist. We were just one in our arms and we kissed ourselves silently, like two flames, hungry for one another.
I think a few good minutes have passed, but we did not feel the humidity and the coolness that was installed in the b

- No, it can not be true! I think I'm dreaming! Ionut, is that really the case with us? Ionut, please, creep me in my arms! I think I'm gonna have fun and happiness!
What am I wrong with and what have I sinned for having managed to engage so much love and passion for me in this beautiful and peculiar boy who always has at his feet the most beautiful girls in the world ?! I did not recognize each other again! I hugged him and kissed him with passion, so **** I had not done it with any of my lovers! And he climbed, I loved it and excited me like a bull, being on the threshold ****! What's going on with me? We probably dreamed and actually was in Simona's arms!
Cosmin woke me up to reality when I felt his warm and velvety tongue, walking slowly and sensuously along my tough **** hardened, like a spear. My excitement has faded. Cosmin licked my dick, minutes in a row, sensual and passionate, so nobody had ever done it before. I still had oral experiences with girls, but they ended quickly. The girls did not have any satisfaction, they made it obligatory to make me happy! While Cosmin ...
- Do you like licking it? Ionut, you have a great, beautiful and strong dick and has a divine taste! I'm not getting enough of it!
- Yeah, it's great! But I want you to take it in my mouth and suck it!
I could not believe that I uttered those words! Like someone else in me spoke for me. Cosmin began an extraordinary fella. His warm and wet mouth caught my eye, squeezing it lightly between his fleshy lips, making me glad of pleasure. Then began a round-back, slow and lingering race, every part of my **** was crossed by the currents, at the touch of its soft tongue. And this repeated and amplified many times. I was experiencing some incredible sensations, a fiery and fantastic excitement, totally different from that offered by my girlfriend, Simona. The fee I sometimes made my girlfriend, more than in play, than in conviction or pleasure, was a mechanical act, artificial, without producing my life and living! I was on the verge of excitement and I still wanted!
I started to brush her blonde and curly hair, playing with his loose and short curls, as if on the curls. In response, Cosmin took my balls in one hand and began to play with them, gently massaging them, then took them in their mouths and sucked them fine and delicate, like delicious candies . Other and other states overwhelmed me. I could not control myself. It was not me! There was an animal in my heart who was eager for pleasure. When Cosmin took my dick again, I grabbed my head and started pumping it, giving my strength from the bottom. I felt, with enormous satisfaction, when my hardened throat struck the boy's neck, and it moaned slightly, but it continued to lie on my buttocks and thighs. It was

What happened to me? What fantastic transformation has taken place? But I did not have time to find out the answer because Cosmin brought me to the **** corner and I did not want to finish it yet. I took his hand and pulled it to me in the locker room. There I lay on a bench with my big and powerful **** avatars up and I invited Cosmin to continue his job:
- Come on, dear Cosmine, take it again! You are so sweet and wonderful when you suck it! Do you really like my dick so much?
- Yeah, you got a great dick, hard and thick! I'm not getting enough of it!
- All right, then get out of here!
I gently kissed and began to push the dick, from bottom to top, in Cosmin's promising throat. He was riding over me, his butt pointing toward my face. Pula his teapana and pink, long and beautiful, but smaller than mine, provoking hanging close to my mouth. An inexplicable urge made me pull Cosmin closer to me and take it in my mouth. I started to suck it, easy and slow, so Cosmin had done before. His body was engulfed by nervous vibration, and he began to thicken, with my sausage in his mouth. Cosmin's dick had a strange, slightly spicy taste, with urine but without being a repellent. Nothing more special than my beloved taste. After a few moments, I got used to and even started to like it. It was incredible! I sucked a guy's dick and I really liked it! What transformation had happened to me ?! Did I become **** ****?
We were in **** and sucked each other. It was wonderful! I had some feelings and some fantastic and overwhelming lives! It was awesome well, I was floating in heaven. I felt like I was at the peak and the tension in my body erupted. - Cosmine, wait a minute! Lift up, because I come ****! Then we go on! - Not! Do not go out, Ionut! Go in my mouth! I want you to feel in your mouth, I want you to be ejaculate in me! Ionut, te rooog !!! Were we surprised! As a rule, the girls I used to have never accepted in any way to take me **** in my mouth! He seemed scarce and non-genetic! Even to Simona. While Cosmin ... I stood up in front of him, and he sat down on the bench, pulled me closer and opened his mouth slightly, grabbing my glans between his hot and soft lips. With one hand I was on my buttocks, and with another I was eating them. In a few seconds, I felt like I had a fire and my dick pulled in his mouth, the powerful jets of seed! I was in the cosmos! We burned like fire and there was no air. My heart was like a fool! It was great! Cosmin swallowed all my sap, till the last drop, licking her lips. Then she started licking my dick and brushing her up like a professional asshole. At the end he looked up gratefully at my red face like the fire and whispered to me: "It was great! Samnta has a great taste! It's so good! I want more, Ionut! You are a boy of millions! - Little and sloppy! You said you never took it! That no one touched you? Why are you lying? Fuck you, fuck you! - But Ionut, I ... - Ready, let's go! That again you will lie to me! - Really! Believe me you're the first and only one! Zau, Ionut! Do not get mad at me! That's how it actually is! - Good! Then where did you get that good, if you've never done it before? - From revolutions ****, from movies ... - I can not believe it, but be like you! Without saying anything else, was **** embarrassed, he took my dick again, squeezing the semierecta between my hairy legs. - Do you really like my dick? - Yes I like very much! And you like me so much! From the first moment I saw you! You are a super boy! You are driving me crazy! Since I've seen you, I dreamed you every night. Everything I did here today, you taught me, night in your sleep! You know we loved each night, and you're a great lover! Frustrated by his sincere and passionate confession, I picked him up from the bench and embraced him, kissing him with infuriation. Our mouths and bodies were tied up again, kissing and burning. I was in another world and it was so good! It was not me anymore, I wanted the beautiful boy who kissed me and hugged me warmly! I wanted to have it! I wanted to come in and be mine! God, what thoughts, what desires dirty and sinful, but so strong! I was trying to regain my lucidity, to become a man! Hard, very hard with Cosmin in my arms ... - Ionut, please! Take me, I'm only yours! Come in and fuck me! You fuck! For two weeks I have the desire to come in and be yours! Ionut, fuck me! Fuck me ... Felt me ... How lucid and reasoned, when Cosmin was asking me so sensuous and totally stuck with me? I had lost my head altogether! The desire and impulse were stronger. I broke away from my hug and took the massage oil from my cupboard. Then as an expert, as if I were all my life in the ass, I put Cosmin on the back of my ass with the back of my back, back on the bench. I removed my legs, poured some drops of massage oil into my palm and started rubbing her butt and then the rosette. I slipped it with a finger, then two and finally three fingers. Feeling **** sfincterel gives it easy and relaxes, enlarging enough for the thickness of my pulp. All the while Cosmin groaned and murmured something like that. How did I know how to do it all, so well, almost professionally, when I had never done it before? I had no idea and I did not even care about it then! We are eager to jump on Cosmin! I took a condom from the well-hidden reserve in my closet and I spread it well on the dick, lusting it with some oil - I finished with the preparations! We can start? - Yes please! - Okay, hold on and let me fuck you! I do not have anybody else in the ass, but I think there is not much difference to a **** woman! How I've been mistaken! It was a big difference! The lived sensation then was unique and incomparable with any previous experience! I grabbed Cosmin for it and put my glue between his rosy but slushy buttocks. I started to push slightly and when my gland passed his rosette I felt **** Cosmin had a bit of a shot and scanned it easily, but only so. Encouraged by his reaction, we slowly advanced to the middle of the pulp.
- Well, **** is it? It hurts?
- Not at all! Why did you stop!
- I wanted to know **** you feel! I never have anybody in the ass! I tried with Simona when she was on the red, but she did not leave me! He said it was very painful! That's why I asked you!
- How well you have prepared my ass, it's no longer the case! Like a real expert! And you said it was the first time! Ordinary and parsive curve!
- Oh, that's the first time!
- OK! A **** give h

Usually I did not really talk to Simona, and in general with the girls when we were ****! We were doing it quietly, just love whispers! I had a habit of changing impressions when we fuck. But with Cosmin it was different. I was curious to know what she felt when she was ****.
Stressed by his words, I pushed it all the way until I felt like they were sticking to me with his shiny buttocks. Then I started pumping it, slower at first, then faster. Cosmin could no longer delight and grimace and provocation! It was at the height of ****! I was the same. Indeed, anal **** was incomparably more exciting and more enjoyable than normal. I felt and Cosmin's sophies **** left my dick as I pumped it and had some very strong sensations. I could not control myself, and I hurt the pump, without worrying about Cosmin.
- So! So! It's great! More forcefully! How good is it!
- Do you like **** fuck you, Cosmin? I know?
- Yes Yes! Very much! Please continue! So! So! But you like it!
- Very much! You have a great ass! I feel like in paradise! I did not think it was so good!
I kept pumping and floating happily until Cosmin prayed to me:
- Ionut, let's change our position! I want to see your face, I want to see **** You live these wonderful moments! I want to look in your eyes while you make me so happy!
Cosmin lay back, walked in the locker room, I knelt next to him, put his left foot on his shoulder, leaned over him, and stabbed him in one move. Then I continued to pump him with much force, knowing that he loved Cosmin. He looked at me happily and stroked me on his head and back. I was red like the fire and sweating like a racing horse! On the face and on the hair, my hot sweat drops over Cosmin. From time to time, I bent more over him and kissed him with thirst and greed, biting his sweet and fleshy lips, then resumed pumping.
- Oh, that's good! No more happiness! So! So! With all your strength! Ionut, you are extraordinary! I love you! I love you I love you ...